Asbestos memorial in Clydebank

While Cydebank established a global reputation as a world leader in heavy industry, no one could have imagined the scale of the human cost which accompanied that achievement. Clydebank inherited a dreadful legacy from its historical dominance in the production and widespread use of asbestos in ship building.
In 2014 the Clydebank Asbestos Group commissioned Jephson Robb, an internationally recognised artist, to design a memorial as a tribute to all those members, known and unknown, who have died of an asbetos-related disease.
The memorial is an impressive feature in the heart of Clydebank town centre and was unveiled on 30th May 2015 by Fiona Maguire, the widow of Frank Maguire, an iconic figure in the fight for Truth and Justice.
The structure stands in memory of each individual members, whether at home or around the world, who has lost his or her life to an asbestos related disease; it stands in memory of all those people whose deaths from asbestos have gone unrecognised. For that reason, the memorial is dedicated to all those "known" and "unknown".
Hopefully the memorial will provide some comfort to families and friends who have lost a loved one, and who witnessed the terrible effects of, an asbestos related illness. We also hope to remind future generations of the battles which have been fought against the legacy of asbestos.
Clydebank Asbestos Group are here to help you and your family - please contact us on 0141 951 1008 or fill in our contact form below and we will contact you.